Councillor Candidate
for Gardiner Ward
The series of images above highlight Michael's numerous community activities in support of wellbeing and connectedness; and for the patronage of the arts, fashion design, musicians and craft innovation, including his own interests in golf, dance and gardening.
VOTE 1 BURGE, Michael Anthony
Councillor for Gardiner Ward.
For Your Needs to be Truly Represented
“I stand for a Healthy, Thriving & Connected Community”!
(1) Revitalize the local Shopping Precincts.
(2) Advocate for appropriate development.
(3) Maintaining neighbourhood character and culture.
(4) Promoting Health & Wellbeing & Connectedness.
(5) Genuine community consultation and say.
(6) Transparency in local government.
(7) Traffic, car park & personal safety.
(8) More local government say in building and planning.
(9) More protection of open space and tree canopies.
(10) An infrastructure that supports sustainable population growth.
(11) Keeping Council Rates Down.
(12) Advocate to Establish a Centre of Commerce, to Support Local Craft, Arts, Makers, Recreation, Commercial Innovators, Music & Dance for all age groups; & in so doing, contribute to community wellbeing & connectedness.
"I want to work for you and with you.
I know what it takes to:
- find solutions,
- navigate what can be complicated governmental agencies,
- get things done."
Michael BURGE OAM.
Email: actt@bigpond.com
Please do not hesitate to contact me.